

机构股票 and 归属感 Workshops


All workshops have a maximum of 30 participants. 当达到最大容量时,将通知所有其他有关各方. 

We continue to be grateful for the level of support, enthusiasm and interest the CC community has for furthering ADEI work. While there are still spaces open in the series, please know this is only one of the many ways your teams can engage in ADEI work. 更多资源请点击这里: ADEI Capacity Building Guidance for Supervisors.


在这个互动式工作坊中, 我们将对佩吉·麦金托什(Peggy McIntosh)探索白人特权的开创性作品《赌博正规的十大网站》(Unpacking the Invisible backpack)进行交叉研究. Using this framework we will look at all of our identities (race, 性别, 性取向, 宗教, 等.),并理解我们如何在不同的空间中同时掌握权力和体验压迫. 我们还将探讨近年来在权力和特权方面变得流行的术语, 比如白色或男性的脆弱, 否认, and silence and assess their impact on our inter行动 with our community.


本次研讨会旨在提高参与者对内隐/外显偏见及其对我们实践的影响的理解/意识, 行动, and attitudes both in and outside the workplace. 本工作坊旨在透过互动的以人为本的体验,加强自我反省和批判性思维. 参与者将沉浸在技术和策略中,这些技术和策略有助于中断与机构价值观不一致的行为模式,并发展促进公平和归属感的知识和技能.


本次研讨会的重点是了解什么是微侵犯及其心理影响, 识别微侵犯何时发生, and intervening when a bystander of a microaggressive act. We will also review a newer concept called microaffirmations. 以及定义这种行为, 我们将与同事和学生一起练习各种微肯定的方式,并讨论他们如何培养一个积极的校园社区.

由埃尔萨琳·霍普促成 & 罗莎莉罗德里格斯

什么是反种族主义? AR与DEI有何不同? Anti-racism is the practice of actively fighting against racism. 在这个互动式工作坊中, we will explore the basic tenets of anti-racism, 培养你的技能, 以及自我效能感,以识别挑战使压迫永久化的制度和态度的机会. 与会者将了解为什么CC承诺反种族主义,以及他们也可以在哪里有意识地承诺消除种族主义和不平等,无论它们在哪里存在,包括在我们自己身上.


在这个互动式工作坊中, participants will learn how to navigate two frameworks for assessing antiracism, 多样性, 股本 和包容 (ADEI); one personal and one institutional. 每个框架都将提供阻力、停滞、进步和变革的具体例子. 参与者将被要求确定他们/他们的机构在他们的旅程中所处的位置,并确定学习新技能或新主题的机会, 从哪里获得这些信息, and how to move beyond their current capacity.


在这个研讨会上, 参与者将有机会使用理论模型和自我报告调查更密切地考虑他们的文化认同发展. We will also discuss how your cultural identity attitudes shape your behavior, influence your interpersonal inter行动, 指导你的人生选择. 最后, 我们将有机会讨论文化认同的发展、变化和成年期的成长.

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请填写2023-2024登记表 fill out this registration form prior to pick-up.



Overseen by the ADEI Leadership Team and signed by the College President, ADEI管理证书表彰您对不断学习和摒弃实践的承诺,这些实践有助于加深对反种族主义的理解, 多样性, 股本, 和包容.  


整个学年, 将介绍一系列被指定为符合ADEI管理资格的活动.  These events include but are not limited to The Dismantling Hate Series, 反种族主义读书俱乐部, 管家中心工作坊, 皇冠中心发展等. Simply sign-in at any six designated events of these events to earn the Bronze Level. 触碰银器 Level by 参加 12 events and Gold Level by 参加 18 events.


年度重新认证-通过共同促进adei相关活动进行管理, 持续的指导, 以及ADEI的倡导者. 

此证书不是一个复选框. 一旦你达到了黄金级别,你的目标就是通过认证将它传递出去,并不断地投资于你的理解. ADEI领导团队一直在寻找能够帮助新员工适应新环境的ADEI冠军, 支持连续编程, participate in community social responsibility, and offer 持续的指导 across the CC community.   

How can I get my event to be ADEI Stewardship Eligible? 

Any event that centers on issues of antiracism, 多样性, 股本, or inclusion are eligible for a Stewardship designation. If you feel that your event supports the college’s antiracism commitment, please 提交你的活动 at least three weeks ahead of the event. 所有活动都必须包括出勤监测和评估,以确保节目的反馈和质量. 如果您的活动符合上述要求,您将在一周内收到ADEI领导团队的确认,您的活动也将在我们的网页上列出.  


Is anti-oppressive education at the center of your life and goals? Have you already earned a Gold certificate but want to keep it fresh? 您可以在每年通过参加获得金证书后证明您的管理资格, 促进, or teaching 2 certificate eligible events, 课程, or programs in 1 year and completing any of the following 活动:  

  • co-facilitation and/or planning of an ADEI-related event 
  • Becoming a mentor or peer educator for ADEI related programs (MAP/Riley Scholars, 教学辅导计划, Butler Center Peer Educators/Bridge Peer Mentors/Bridge 教师 Mentors, 等) 
  • 出国留学 
  • Teaching a power and privilege designated course 
  • Attending or presenting at a conference with an ADEI focus




*Each ACA has a maximum capacity of 30 participants. 当每次会议达到最大容量时,将通知所有其他有关方面.*

The 反种族主义行动共同体(ACA) is a collaborative, 在一个没有偏见的环境中,有关各方可以为了共同的目标走到一起,以提高认识, 获得知识, and build confidence through guided practice and discovery. ACA将使用演习, 活动, and rich dialogue with peers to stimulate growth and critical thinking. ACA将采用共享和包容的促进结构运作,因此没有人被认为是“领导者”.” This nonhierarchical structure increases psychological safety, welcomes diverse ADEI topics of interest, 并允许建设性的反馈和观点,有助于能力建设,同时提供ADEI原则和战略的实际应用.

ACAs are held monthly on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 and are open to anyone who is open, 好奇的, and interested in learning and practicing what it means to be an antiracist. 

*Sequential attendance is not a requirement. 每一次ACA的设计都聚焦于一个新的主题,这样新政党或那些可能不经常参加的政党就不会感到失落. Learning gains and growth take place in each individual experience, allowing for adaptive engagement and community connection.



ADEI领导团队认识到需要支持和促进团队目前能力之外的教育机会. 有很多项目, 活动, 以及体现反种族主义的事件, 多样性, 股本, 和包容 (ADEI) that are of professional development value. 部门预算的限制不应该剥夺那些对推进我们的使命和个人成长感兴趣的人, 因此,我们决定引入一项ADEI赠款计划,以帮助支持和抵消与参与相关的一些财务成本, 参加, 或者创建ADEI编程.   

这个过程很简单. 请在活动截止日期前至少一个月填写所附表格,说明您的资金需求和用途. 然后,ADEI领导团队将审查您的请求,评估与四大支柱(勇敢的对话)的一致性 & 大胆的行动, 繁荣的社区, 学生, 转换, and elevating CC’s profile)—using an antiracist lens, 促进心理健康, 让事情可持续发展. 您将在两周内收到关于您的奖项状态的电子邮件通知,或者是否需要更多信息.   

The grant will run until all funds have been exhausted, at which time we will notify the campus of the application acceptance period ending. Our goal is to make the ACE grant an annual opportunity for staff, 教师, and 学生s alike to get involved and stay engaged, furthering our commitment for as long as funds allow.  



工作人员 and 教师 have several resources they can access through the LACRELA (Liberal Arts College Racial Equity Leadership Alliance) 公平连接门户,包括访问专业学习(以前的eConvenings), 股本连接, NACCC调查, resources and monthly virtual learning sessions about antiracism, 多样性 and 股本 provided by the USC center.  

If you are interested in joining the LACRELA Portal, please email Crystal Cravens the ADEI Program Coordinator at ccravens2023@cycletower.com.

请务必包括电子邮件, 名字, title, and contact type (professional learning (formerly eConvenings), 股本连接, NACCC调查或以上全部).



Overseen by the ADEI Leadership Team and signed by the College President, ADEI管理证书表彰您对不断学习和摒弃实践的承诺,这些实践有助于加深对反种族主义的理解, 多样性, 股本, 和包容.  


整个学年, 将介绍一系列被指定为符合ADEI管理资格的活动.  These events include but are not limited to The Dismantling Hate Series, 反种族主义读书俱乐部, 管家中心工作坊, 皇冠中心发展等. Simply sign-in at any six designated events of these events to earn the Bronze Level. 触碰银器 Level by 参加 12 events and Gold Level by 参加 18 events.


年度重新认证-通过共同促进adei相关活动进行管理, 持续的指导, 以及ADEI的倡导者. 

此证书不是一个复选框. 一旦你达到了黄金级别,你的目标就是通过认证将它传递出去,并不断地投资于你的理解. ADEI领导团队一直在寻找能够帮助新员工适应新环境的ADEI冠军, 支持连续编程, participate in community social responsibility, and offer 持续的指导 across the CC community.   

How can I get my event to be ADEI Stewardship Eligible? 

Any event that centers on issues of antiracism, 多样性, 股本, or inclusion are eligible for a Stewardship designation. If you feel that your event supports the college’s antiracism commitment, please 提交你的活动 at least three weeks ahead of the event. 所有活动都必须包括出勤监测和评估,以确保节目的反馈和质量. 如果您的活动符合上述要求,您将在一周内收到ADEI领导团队的确认,您的活动也将在我们的网页上列出.  


Is anti-oppressive education at the center of your life and goals? Have you already earned a Gold certificate but want to keep it fresh? 您可以在每年通过参加获得金证书后证明您的管理资格, 促进, or teaching 2 certificate eligible events, 课程, or programs in 1 year and completing any of the following 活动:  

  • co-facilitation and/or planning of an ADEI-related event 
  • Becoming a mentor or peer educator for ADEI related programs (MAP/Riley Scholars, 教学辅导计划, Butler Center Peer Educators/Bridge Peer Mentors/Bridge 教师 Mentors, 等) 
  • 出国留学 
  • Teaching a power and privilege designated course 
  • Attending or presenting at a conference with an ADEI focus




*Each ACA has a maximum capacity of 30 participants. 当每次会议达到最大容量时,将通知所有其他有关方面.*

The 反种族主义行动共同体(ACA) is a collaborative, 在一个没有偏见的环境中,有关各方可以为了共同的目标走到一起,以提高认识, 获得知识, and build confidence through guided practice and discovery. ACA将使用演习, 活动, and rich dialogue with peers to stimulate growth and critical thinking. ACA将采用共享和包容的促进结构运作,因此没有人被认为是“领导者”.” This nonhierarchical structure increases psychological safety, welcomes diverse ADEI topics of interest, 并允许建设性的反馈和观点,有助于能力建设,同时提供ADEI原则和战略的实际应用.

ACAs are held monthly on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 and are open to anyone who is open, 好奇的, and interested in learning and practicing what it means to be an antiracist. 

*Sequential attendance is not a requirement. 每一次ACA的设计都聚焦于一个新的主题,这样新政党或那些可能不经常参加的政党就不会感到失落. Learning gains and growth take place in each individual experience, allowing for adaptive engagement and community connection.



ADEI领导团队认识到需要支持和促进团队目前能力之外的教育机会. 有很多项目, 活动, 以及体现反种族主义的事件, 多样性, 股本, 和包容 (ADEI) that are of professional development value. 部门预算的限制不应该剥夺那些对推进我们的使命和个人成长感兴趣的人, 因此,我们决定引入一项ADEI赠款计划,以帮助支持和抵消与参与相关的一些财务成本, 参加, 或者创建ADEI编程.   

这个过程很简单. 请在活动截止日期前至少一个月填写所附表格,说明您的资金需求和用途. 然后,ADEI领导团队将审查您的请求,评估与四大支柱(勇敢的对话)的一致性 & 大胆的行动, 繁荣的社区, 学生, 转换, and elevating CC’s profile)—using an antiracist lens, 促进心理健康, 让事情可持续发展. 您将在两周内收到关于您的奖项状态的电子邮件通知,或者是否需要更多信息.   

The grant will run until all funds have been exhausted, at which time we will notify the campus of the application acceptance period ending. Our goal is to make the ACE grant an annual opportunity for staff, 教师, and 学生s alike to get involved and stay engaged, furthering our commitment for as long as funds allow.  



工作人员 and 教师 have several resources they can access through the LACRELA (Liberal Arts College Racial Equity Leadership Alliance) 公平连接门户,包括访问专业学习(以前的eConvenings), 股本连接, NACCC调查, resources and monthly virtual learning sessions about antiracism, 多样性 and 股本 provided by the USC center.  

If you are interested in joining the LACRELA Portal, please email Crystal Cravens the ADEI Program Coordinator at ccravens2023@cycletower.com.

请务必包括电子邮件, 名字, title, and contact type (professional learning (formerly eConvenings), 股本连接, NACCC调查或以上全部).

报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/05/2024